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Based in China, Catex is a transaction mining exchange platform. It provides the users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies between them using the available market pairs. The platform offers a hybrid solution where it is possible to perform crypto transactions and mine the platform tokens (CATT) at the same time, which will be used to return the transaction fees to the users. The expected return value of the fees is 110%. At Catex, 80% of the platform profit will be distributed to users holding CATT daily, the more CATT holding, the more dividends will get.  Catex has decided to burn 8 billion CATT (80% of total supply) within 3 months which include 4 billions minable CATT and 4 billions team locked CATT, the detail burn plan is as below:  1. Burn 5 billions CATT on Sep 29th (which includes 2.5 billions minable CATT and 2.5 billions locked CATT); 2. Burn 1 billion CATT on Oct 29th (which includes 0.5 billion minable CATT and 0.5 billion locked CATT); 3. Burn 1 billion CATT on Nov 29th (which include 0.5 billion minable CATT and 0.5 billion locked CATT); 4. Burn 1 billion CATT on Dec 29th (which include 0.5 billion minable CATT and 0.5 billion locked CATT).  .

Order book


A value of 0.1% is charged when the transaction is performed. Later, the transaction fee is 100% returned to the participating users in the form of CATT token in real time at the current price.



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