DeepBook Protocol Crypto Coin Rank 100
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2,872,000,000 DEEP
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Full Name
DeepBook Protocol
Total Coins Mined
2,872,000,000 DEEP
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ICO Status
DeepBook Protocol ICO Details
Security Audit Company
The Deep is a virtual world. A completely democratic structure based on consensus using Delegate Proof of Stake decentralization. Communicate, offer services, play, live your fantasies. Claim your land and build on it using the limited supply of Deep tokens – no mining needed. Use gold to customise your buildings.
Deep Gold will be holding its ICO on September 15, 2017. The ICO funding cap is 4000 ETH and is expected to end on December 15, 2017 or when the funding cap is reached.
Token Reserve Split (70%):
- 30% Pre-ICO;
- 30% Core Development;
- 10% Marketing and Advisors;